Focusing on what is outside of our sphere of influence makes us lose our focus on our lives purpose
Our life’s purpose is to use our gifts to go out into the world and do our work
Become the best version of ourselves with the gifts we have been given
Pursue our purpose, which is things that we can control
Our day to day actions towards our goals
Not to please others but why?
If you try to please others…. How could you possibly?
You would have 100 different directions to go
You would be trying to please whom? The state, strangers,
How would you know if you’ve pleased them enough?
This what matters
We all have 24 hours in a day, we get paid in 30 day increments
We need to execute on our purpose today
NOT like a HACK
Like a warrior
Like a purpose driven man
What matters is how much relevant things you got done towards your purpose, living a life of focus and meaning
Peoples pleasing is always a NO NO
Staying on PURPOSE is the only way to live
BUT you do it daily
NOT like a HACK
The HACK finds an easy way to do something
Then quits once it gets hard
Once the inevitable plateau comes in your latest business adventure, new hobby, relationship etc
When you have a new idea, you get a mental high, you chase it but if you’re a HACK
You quit as soon as it gets hard
BUT it will always get hard in life, you can’t endlessly go up and up and up
It’s a series of burst and plateaus
Plateaus are long periods of time with no seeming progress…
You have to be able to ride the plateaus in life or you will never make it
If you quit every time business slows down
What have you learned?
You will always just be starting new businesses
If you truly want to become a master
You must take on mentorship from someone ahead of you
They have already been there, they have reached success
They have hit the highs and lows, they know all the depths of the plateaus
As well as the peaks of the highs
You need someone with this wisdom who will encourage you to stick to your purpose when you hit a plateau
Everyone will hit a plateau
Most people will have success
But if you want to become a master you need to ride the plateau
The plateau is the long seemilgy dead period where you feel like you are not making forward progress or even going backwards, all the while you are actually learning slowly but surely and this is par for the course
Love the daily grind of doing your work for the sake of doing your work
If you truly hate your work then perhaps consider “is it a plateau and you’re quitting?”
Or do you really hate your work?
In my life, I have quit when I get to a plateau on fitness, training, coaching, relationships etc
Now I want to become a master
Dedicating myself to the daily grind of building my lifestyle into the lifestyle of a master
Total sacrifice and dedication to the process of mastery
The mentsorship, the practice and the commitment to learning new skill
Practicing and working through he process